( Farid Ayaz & Abu Muhammad's Rendition )
खबर-ए-तहयूर-ए-इश्क़ सुन, न ज़ुनू रहा , न परी रही,
न तो तू रहा, न तो मैं रहा; जो रही सो बे-खबरी रही
[खबर-ए-तहयूर-ए-इश्क़ = astonishing news of love/premonition , ज़ुनू = passion, परी = the fairy (beauty/here beloved), बे-खबरी = unknown/unconscious ]
[खबर-ए-तहयूर-ए-इश्क़ = astonishing news of love/premonition , ज़ुनू = passion, परी = the fairy (beauty/here beloved), बे-खबरी = unknown/unconscious ]
शाह-ए-बेखुदी ने अता किआ मुझे अब लिबास-ए-बराहांगी
न ख़िरद की बखियागरी रही ना जुनूँ की पर्दादरी रही
[ शाह-ए-बेखुदी = Lord of ecstasy, अता = gave, लिबास-ए-बराहांगी = robe of nakedness, ख़िरद = wisdom/intellect, बखियागरी = tailoring, जुनूँ = passion, पर्दादरी = veil/concealment]
[ शाह-ए-बेखुदी = Lord of ecstasy, अता = gave, लिबास-ए-बराहांगी = robe of nakedness, ख़िरद = wisdom/intellect, बखियागरी = tailoring, जुनूँ = passion, पर्दादरी = veil/concealment]
चली सम्त-ए-गैब से इक हवा के चमन ज़ुहूर का जल गया
मगर एक शाख़ -ए-निहाल-ए-गम, जिसे दिल कहे सो हरी रही
[सम्त-ए-गैब = hidden/mysterious direction, चमन = garden, ज़ुहूर = manifestation/revelation , शाख़ -ए-निहाल-ए-गम = branch with a sapling of gloom, ]
[सम्त-ए-गैब = hidden/mysterious direction, चमन = garden, ज़ुहूर = manifestation/revelation , शाख़ -ए-निहाल-ए-गम = branch with a sapling of gloom, ]
नज़र-ए-तग़ाफ़ुल-ए-यार का गिला किस ज़बां सूं बयां करूँ
की शराब-ए-सद-कदाह आरज़ू खुम-ए-दिल में थी सो भरी रही
[नज़र-ए-तग़ाफ़ुल-ए-यार = glance of beloved which is unconcerned towards me, गिला = complaint, शराब-ए-सद-कदाह आरज़ू = the wine in the hundred cups of desire, खुम-ए-दिल = in the jar that is heart ]
वो अजब घड़ी थी के जिस घड़ी लिआ दरस नुस्खा-ए-इश्क़ में
जो किताब अक़्ल-की-ताक पर जो धरी थी यूँ वो धरी रही
जो किताब अक़्ल-की-ताक पर जो धरी थी यूँ वो धरी रही
[ अजब घड़ी = strange moment, दरस नुस्खा-ए-इश्क़ = vision/understanding of lesson of love, अक़्ल-की-ताक = on the shelf of reason]
तेरे जोश-ए-हैरत-ए-हुस्न का असर इस कदर से यहाँ हुआ
की ना आईने में रही जिला , न परी की जल्वागरी रही
[ जोश-ए-हैरत-ए-हुस्न = in the enthusiasm and astonishment of beauty, आईने = mirror, जिला = gloss/shine/brightness, जल्वागरी = splendour]
किआ खाक़ आतश-ए-इश्क़ ने दिल-ए-बेनवाए 'सिराज' को
न खतर रहा, न हज़र रहा, मगर एक बे-खतरी रही
न खतर रहा, न हज़र रहा, मगर एक बे-खतरी रही
[खाक़ = ash, आतश-ए-इश्क़ = fire of love, दिल-ए-बेनवाए = heart which is poor/indigent,
खतर = danger, हज़र = fear/caution, बे-खतरी = intrepid/ without danger]
खतर = danger, हज़र = fear/caution, बे-खतरी = intrepid/ without danger]
सिराज 'औरंगाबादी'
Khabar-e-tahayyur-e-ishq sun na junuu.N rahaa na parii rahii na to tuu rahaa na to mai.n rahaa, jo rahii so beKhabarii rahii
[Khabar-e-tahayyur-e-ishq = astonishing news of love, junuu.N = passion, parii = the fairy (beauty/here beloved), beKhabarii = unknown ][O bemused reveletion of love, listen, neither the passion is left nor the beauty is thereNeither you lasted, nor I exist, what remains is the one that is unknown]shaah-e-beKhudii ne ataa kiyaa mujhe ab libaas-e-barahanagii na Khirad kii bakhiyaagarii rahii na junuu.N kii pardaadarii rahii
[ shaah-e-beKhudii = Lord of ecstasy, ataa = gave, libaas-e-barahanagii = robe of nakedness, Khirad = wisdom/intellect, bakhiyaagarii = tailoring, junuu.N = passion, pardaadarii= veil/concealment]chalii simt-e-Gaib se ik havaa ki chaman zuhuur kaa jal gayaa magar ek shaaKh-e-nihaal-e-Gham jise dil kahe.n so harii rahii
[simt-e-Gaib = hidden/mysterious direction, chaman = garden, zuhuur = revelation/manifestation, magar ek shaaKh-e-nihaal-e-Gham = branch with a sapling of gloom, ][ The wind blew from the mysterious direction, burning the garden of the one who is to reveal but a branch, with sapling of gloom , still remained green ]nazar-e-taGaaful-e-yaar kaa gilaa kis zabaa.N so.n bayaa.N karuu.N ki sharaab-e-sad-qadaah aarazuu Khum-e-dil me.n thii so bharii rahii
[nazar-e-taGaaful-e-yaar = glance of beloved which is unconcerned towards me, gilaa = complaint, sharaab-e-sad-qadaah aarazuu = the wine in the hundred cups of desire, Khum-e-dil = in the jar that is heart ]
vo ajab gha.Dii thii mai.n jis gha.Dii liyaa dars-e-nusKhaa-e-ishq kaa ki kitaab-e-aql kii taaq me.n jyuu.N dharii thii tyuu.n hii dharii rahii
[ ajab gha.Dii = strange moment,dars-e-nusKhaa-e-ishq= vision/understanding of lesson of love , aql kii taaq = on the shelf of reason]
tere josh-e-hairat-e-husn kaa asar is qadar so.n yahaa.N huaa ki na aa_iine me.n rahii jilaa na parii kuu.N jalvaa-garii rahii
[ josh-e-hairat-e-husn = in the enthusiasm and astonishment of beauty, aa_iine = mirror, jilaa = gloss/shine/brightness, jalvaa-garii= splendour]kiyaa Khaak aatish-e-ishq ne dil-e-benavaa-e-"Siraj" ko.n na Khatar rahaa na hazar rahaa magar ek beKhatarii rahii
[Khaak = ash, aatish-e-ishq = fire of love, dil-e-benavaa = heart which is poor/indigent,Khatar = danger, hazar = fear/caution, beKhatarii = intrepid/ without danger]Siraaj Aurngabaadi
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